Nov 6, 2011

Close to Skin

October was so called "Pink Ribbon" Month, a campaign month for spreading awareness about breast cancer and the research about it. It seemed like everywhere I turned the media (including social media) was full of breasts and people touching them. And that's really wonderful! Breast cancer is too awful and way too common to go unnoticed and undiagnosed. I think there are very few people who have had nothing to do with it, in fact I think most of us know at least someone who the disease has touched in the most profound of ways. 
So, keep touching your boobies, girls (and boys!!), it might save your life one day. 

Lokakuu oli ns. Roosa nauha -kuukausi, virallinen kampanjakuukausi rintasyöpätietoisuuden ja tutkimuksen edistämiseksi. Sosiaalinen media ja tiedotusvälineet ylipäätään tuntuivat olevan täynnä tissejä ja niiden kopelointia. Hyvä niin! Rintasyöpä on surullisen yleinen vieras, ja uskoisin melkein jokaisen lähipiirissä syövän koskettaneen ainakin jotakuta. Kannattaa siis pitää huolta rintavarustuksesta ja tunnustella oma etumus säännöllisin väliajoin.   

Thanks to "Breasts everywhere I go!" campaign I also turned some attention to my own pair of mammary glands. Unfortunately I have not been paying them the attention they deserve, and as a result my underwear drawer is really a very sad sight. Once you have passed the certain cup size(s), it's just almost impossible to find pretty and comfortable underwear at a reasonable price. Luckily for me I spotted a sale at my local mall, which just happens to carry a good selection of underwear boutiques. So of course I just had to go and see if they had anything for me. 

And SCORE! This selection came from Change and they had a lot of very pretty underwear, so it actually was somewhat difficult for me to choose which I liked the most! In the end I decided on two pairs of sets and some extra panties (because you can never have too many of those), and it was all for a very reasonable price too. What I really liked the best about these is that I got excellent customer service and so I was finally able to find a good size and fit for me. If the beauty comes firstly from within, then good underwear comes as a good second. :D

Itiksessä oli Kuutamolla-viikot, joten pitihän sitä mennä katsomaan jos vaikka löytyisi alusvaatteita vanhojen ja kulahtanaiden tilalle. Päädyin sitten Changeen ja sieltä löytyikin vaikka mitä! Kiitos hyvän palvelun ja laajojen valikoimien, sain kotiin asti kaksi settiä ja ekstra-alushousuja. Tulee paljon ryhdikkäämpi olokin kun on kerrankin hyvän kokoiset ja näköiset alusvaatteet.