Last weekend a friend of mine invited me over for dinner. She wanted to try some recipes and in the end we ended up messing around her kitchen for about three hours making cabbage rolls. Oh yes, it was all because one cabbage! (And my friend's tiny kitchen.)
I was never very fond of cabbage, but somehow it has piqued my interest. It started with some traditional casserole, my interest increased when I found a delicious salad based on cabbage leaves, but I have to say, the cabbage rolls are the best of the cabbage food bunch. You definitely should try them, even though they're pretty time-consuming. They're SO good and cheap and really easy to do. Trust me!
Here Miss P is filling the rolls with our soy-based filling.
Miss M is anxiously waiting for her dinner.
Unfortunately for her, the rolls needed to bake for another hour after filling.
But here they are, all ready to be eaten!
Misses P and M enjoying their homemade cabbage rolls by the candlelight.
Thank you girls for the lovely evening!
Viikonloppuna ystävä kutsui kylään ja tehtiin kalikääryleitä. Hermothan siinä meni ja aikaa ja sormet paloi, mutta hauskaa oli. (Ohjeen löysimme Kotivinkistä 15/11, mutta kysykää mummoilta/äideiltä!) Kuten ehkä blogista huomaa, ruoan laittaminen ja syömään kokoontuminen ystävien kera on kovin korkealla prioriteettilistallani. Hyvä ruoka, parempi mieli, sanon myös ma!