Nov 27, 2011


Earlier this week it was Free-Entry-for-Students day at Ateneum, the Finnish National Gallery, so of course I had to go! I've been wanting to see the Magic of Lapland Exhibition since the day it came out, and now I finally had a chance to just that.

Besides just the exhibitions (and free entry!) there were also workshops, for example the one where you could make badges out of the prints and papers from the museum. I made two (see below), and it was SO hard to pick which pictures to use! The possibilities are endless... And now I kind of want a badge maker too.


If you happen to pass by Ateneum and you have any free time at all, I really recommend you to check the Lapland exhibition and if you really have very little time and/or money, just the museum shop.

(I looooove museum shops; they're almost as good as museums when it comes to visual entertainment. <3 )

Aiemmin viikolla hyödynsin Taidetta Meille -päivän opiskelija-tarjouksen ja poikkesin Ateneumiin katsastamaan Lapin Taika -näyttelyn. Näyttely oli vaikuttava ja ihana, ehdottomasti näkemisen arvoinen. Päivän aikana sai myös osallistua rintamerkki-työpajaan (nyt haluan merkkikoneen kanssa!) ja Ateneum-salissa soi inarinsaamelainen räppi... Olipa hauskaa, kannattaa mennä katsomaan näyttely, nyt kun vielä siihen on mahdollisuus!

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