Sep 4, 2011

Family Matters

Like in many other families, Sundays are almost always dedicated to family, at least in my family. We don't have a tradition of Sunday Dinners all together or anything, it just seems to be the day when we tend to gather together to share a cup of coffee, take a nap on any of the multiple sofas in my parents' house, to make trips to the city. This Sunday was no exception, I got my brother to pick me up and we drove to my parents' for early dinner, which surprisingly enough my father made this time. Basically it was just steaks and salad, but it was all good anyway. And I made a blueberry-apple-pie out of the last blueberries and apples of this season. Delicious!

My brother and I. He's wearing the "Army Pickles"as he's doing his military service at the moment. Aww, my little brother is all so grown-up and handsome! 

My father made a salad. Basically its just tomatoes and mozzarella with some spices, but it was excellent anyway. Especially since my father doesn't usually cook, at all. 

The blueberry-apple-pie before going to the oven...

And then served on a Paradise plate with whipped vanilla cream. Yummy!

Here's the recipe for the pie, it's really very simple.

Isoäidin omenapiirakka / Grand-mother's Apple Pie :

2 munaa / eggs
1 dl sokeria / sugar
100 g margariinia / margarine
2 dl jauhoja / flour
1 tl/tsp leivinjauhetta / baking powder
omenoita, marjoja tms / apple slices, berries etc.

Vatkaa munat ja sokeri vaahdoksi, lisää rasva. Sekoita kuivat aineet ja lisää taikinaan varovasti sekoittaen. Kaada voideltuun vuokaan ja lisää päälle omenat viipaloituina, marjoja tms. oman maun mukaan. Lisää päälle sokeria tarvittaessa. Paista 200°C n. 30 min. 

Froth eggs and sugar, then add melted butter/margarine. Mix and add the flour and baking powder. 
Grease a pan and scrape the batter into it. Sprinkle the berries (or fruit slices) on top of the batter and add some sugar if necessary. Bake at 200°C for about 30 minutes.

Sunnuntait on perheen päiviä, ainakin meidän perheessä. Tänäänkin, kuten useana muunakin sunnuntaina, mentiin pikkuveljen kanssa (joka on varusmiehenä Santahaminassa tällä hetkellä) vanhemmille syömään ja hengailemaan. Iskä teki ruokaa ja minä omena-mustikka-piirakkaa. Hyvää tuli, vaikka aluksi vähän epäilyttikin! Ohje ohessa, nauttikaa. 

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