As you all probably know by now, I'm a dirt poor university student. If you've been where I am now, you know that as much as we all love the freedom and inspiration the amazing education university gives to us, it doesn't really bring any food on the table. The situation is made even more dire by the fact that I'm one of those masses of European youth who for one reason or another doesn't have job. So yes, for now I'm living on only the student allowance which is some hundred euros a month (A LOT more than in almost any country in the world, but still, this is Finland we're talking about here).
To fight against the constant struggle and resentment against my financial status, I have decided to spend a No Spend Month in July. I stumbled upon the idea on Pinterest, and after thinking about it for about a second, I decided that this is something I would love to try as well. I'm not trying to cut my spending down to zero as such, but I am trying to limit myself to only the necessary things and only one or two inexpensive treats in July. I'm going to put aside money separately for things like rent, utilities, basic public transport and medications, since those are things that are really hard to save any money in only a month, but maybe I'll try to get something done with my internet and electricity bills too, that would probably help me a lot in the long term.
So, my goal is to manage to cover all other my expenses (groceries, other transport, hobbies and such) with only a hundred euros in July.
That's not very much, but I definitely think it's doable considering how much food and such I have in my cupboards ready to be eaten and I have to admit, I kind of cheated. I went grocery shopping today and bought just about everything I could think of that I've run out lately. Still, because I had planned my grocery shopping list in advance, and I didn't buy much processed food, the total sum was much lower than I expected. I really should stop going to the store hungry and cranky.
Anyway, I'll keep you updated how this thing goes!
Päätin kyllästyä ainaiseen köyhyyteni ja yrittää kerrankin elää varojeni mukaan (ja vähän alikin) heinäkuun ajan. Asetin itselleni satasen budjetin pakollisten menojen jälkeen (ei jää opintotuesta kovin paljon enempää edes käteen kaiken kaikkiaan) ja nyt sitten katsellaan miten pitkälle moinen riittää. Huijasin sen verran, että kävin kaupassa täydentämässä varastoja, mutta siltikin kiitos suunnitelmallisuuden, loppusumma oli paljon odotettua pienempi. Pitääpä lopettaa kaupassa käyminen nälkäisenä.